Monday, April 21, 2008


E-Commerce --
An Ethical Framework for an Electronic World

Todays E-business-Based Marketing System:
Supply Chain > Customized Product Lower Price > Customized Individual Promotion > Market-of-One Customer > Strategic Behavior > Strategic Goal

Constant Technological Change
Increased Competitive Pressure
Weakened Political/Legal Influence
Greater Socio-Economic Influence

Views of Ethics- Personal, Organizational, Industry, Societal, Stakeholder

Nature of Ethical Decisions
Being socially responsible and ethical is not easy
Situations are rarely black and white
Have personal implications
Extended or long-term effects
Outcomes will be uncertain
Has positive and negative outcomes

Input Factors:
Individual- key family, literature, life experiences
External- corporate culture, stakeholders, government entities
Situations- Opportunity
Stakeholder concept- A method of looking at ethical relationships by identifying any group or individual who is, or can be affected by the process under scrutiny.

Corporate Culture- the shared values of the organization: symbols, Norms, values
Opportunity- A favorable set of conditions that limit, punish, encourage, or reward ethical/unethical decisions.

Humanistic Worldview Philosophies: Teleological frameworks, deontological frameworks, combination

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Marketing Group questions 5-8

E-commerce questions 5-8

5.) An interstitial ad is a way of placing a full-page message between the current and destination pages of a user. A superstitial ad is a rich media ad that is pre-loaded into a browser’s cache and does not play until fully loaded and the user clicks to another page.

6.) Some reasons that are responsible for the decline in click-through rates of banner ads are the large amount of ads and the response to this from the users. These ads have become one of the most annoying forms of marketing and are not as effective as they once were. Due to the large amount of these ads, users have learned to ignore them.

7.) Some affiliate relationships are called “tenancy deals” because they allow a firm to become a long-term tenant on another site. These differ from pure affiliate deals because it is a longer arrangement.

8.) The issue with paid-placements on search engines is that websites can pay to have their site occur in searches more frequently than others. This is an issue for consumers because large companies have to advantage and flood the results of the search engine and do not allow smaller organizations/sites to be presented.